Respecting Elders: Spot The Kindness

#spotthekindness - Visiting husband's 101yr old great grandfather in the hospital. I don't think he remembers we were there last week and we have the same conversations...

Sheriff’s Deputies: Spot The Kindness ย 

#spotthekindness: this @Simchaspot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: Solano County Sheriff's Deputies saw a homeless man sitting on the courthouse steps. The deputies took trail...

Camp Hasc: Spot The Kindnessย 

#spotthekindness: this @Simchaspot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: Shmuli's counselors were determined not to stop until their camper completed the track. This is what it...

Spot The Kindness

#spotthekindness: this @Simchaspot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: Wow! Volunteer Shaya Cohen helping children accomplish things beyond their limit! @ahavasyisrael @shayamus_prime ?Send us your photos for...

Kindness is Contagious

Tag a friend that inspires you!

Daddy Dear A Capella

Sung by Ari & Moshe Dov Goldwag

Baltimore Shomrim Coordinator

#spotthekindness: this Simcha Spot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: Baltimore Shomrim Safety Patrol Coordinator Heshie Klein was patrolling Sunday night to prevent a string of...

Spot The Kindness Challenge

#spotthekindness: this Simcha Spot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: The counselors @campsimcha are holding up a wheelchair-bound kid so he can score a shot and...

Spot The Kindness Challenge

#spotthekindness: this Simcha Spot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: Heshy Klein of Baltimore Shomrim helped locate a missing elderly couple. The elderly couple started their...

Spot The Kindness Challenge

#spotthekindness: this challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: This is Esia and she is a holocaust survivor. She is in her 80's and she travels the...

When You’ll Do Anything to Not Make Two Trips

The Israeli edition...

Isaac Honig & Adorable Child Soloist Sing ‘Habet’

Check out this touching video of Isaac Honig & an adorable child soloist performing an acapella piece for Rav Avraham Dovid Weisz, who is suffering from ALS...

Awesomely Inspirational Story – “Letting Go”

Most of us have felt hurt or betrayed at some point in our lives. It is easy to foster resentment, but during these 9 days when we...

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