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Who’s Ready for Elul?!

Get a little more ready with help from these adorable kids.

Barrel Racer Taylor Fallon joins Simcha Spot’s #SpotTheKindness campaign 

Barrel Racer Fallon Taylor has joined the ranks of individuals all over the world that are taking part in @simchaspot’s viral #SpottheKindness campaign. From Taylor: “I want to teach you how to #SpottheKindness in everyone around us… “ Thank you @fallontaylor2

Tension Between Israel & Egypt at the 2016 Olympics

Egyptian athlete El Shehaby was booed at the 2016 Rio Olympics when he ignored his Israeli opponent’s (Sasson) attempt to shake hands. This goes against the tradition that judo participants shake hands or bow before and after matches.

Back to Music! Yoely Weiss – I Love Hashem

Check out this new single from Yoely Weiss that’s the perfect feel-good tune for a sunny summer day. Enjoy!

Tisha B’av Street 

Tisha B’av – the saddest day of the Jewish year. And the only one with a Manhattan street named after it.

Kidney Donor: Spot The Kindness

#spotthekindness – Hi my name is Hindy Messinger & I donated a kidney to a stranger a month ago through a renewal organization. I was very inspired from a family member who got a kidney and suffered so much.

I would say one thing if I had more kidneys to give I would do it all over again

?Send us your photos for the #spotthekindness challenge and you will be entered to win a $300 American Express card ??DM or send to simchaspot@gmail.com

#spotthekindness #3weeksofkindness #ahavasyisroel

Team Noah: Spot The Kindness 

#spotthekindness – Always love to visit my amazing campers at camp Hasc! #hasc365 #TeamNoah

Respecting Elders: Spot The Kindness

#spotthekindness – Visiting husband’s 101yr old great grandfather in the hospital. I don’t think he remembers we were there last week and we have the same conversations multiple times each visit but it makes him so happy to see grandkids and it strengthens our grandparents who are taking care of him

?Send us your photos for the #spotthekindness challenge and you will be entered to win a $300 American Express card ??DM or send to simchaspot@gmail.com

#spotthekindness #3weeksofkindness #ahavasyisroel

Sheriff’s Deputies: Spot The Kindness  

#spotthekindness: this @Simchaspot challenge showcases good people doing good deeds: Solano County Sheriff’s Deputies saw a homeless man sitting on the courthouse steps. The deputies took trail mix, apples, and fresh water from their own lunch bags and gave it to the man.

?Send us your photos for the #spotthekindness challenge and you will be entered to win a $300 American Express card ??DM or send to simchaspot@gmail.com

#spotthekindness #3weeksofkindness #ahavasyisroel

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