Eight Dating Rules You SHOULD Break!❤️ By: Aleeza Ben Shalom

With all of the dating advice flowing in from family, friends and the internet, it’s a challenge to filter out all the well-intentioned but unhelpful tips. To...

Baila Sebrow’s Dating Forum

By Baila Sebrow  I’m divorced, and though it sounds weird, I want my husband back. My marriage was not good, but we were so in love. I would...

Dr Alan Singer: Research On How Covid is Impacting Marriage

Overall, 29% of relationships improved during Covid, 29% of relationships got worse, 30% of relationships remained status quo and 8% were mixed. The research on the impact of...

Aleeze Ben Shalom: 5 Ways To Date With Clarity

Why is dating so complicated? Help! Do you need help deciding if you really like someone and want to date them long-term? Wouldn’t it be great if you...

MUST READ! Presidential Quotes about Jews and Israel

24 inspiring quotes from American presidents. Written by: Dr. Yvette Alt Miller American presidents have long appreciated Jews and the Jewish state. Here are some inspiring quotes from presidents...

36 Questions to Build Emotional Intimacy

Handle with care! Here are the 36 questions by psychologist Arthur Aron. Set I 1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner...

Divine Intervention In Shidduchim💯

Bruce Schechter and Michal Aryeh were middle-aged singles who had not yet found their match. They were suggested to each other, but Bruce lived in Atlanta and...

Seder for One: How to Make it Meaningful

Written by the founder of Marriage Minded Mentor, Aleeza Ben Shalom. All alone for Passover Seder? Don't despair! When I think of a Passover Seder I imagine my family around the...

Rabbi Dov Heller: How to Know You’re Marrying the Right Person

Ten ways to be confident he or she is the one. A common approach to dating for marriage is to make a list of what you’re looking for...

Devorah Kigel: Growing Through Challenges

While dating can be fun, exciting and filled with giddy butterflies, it’s just as often frequented by overthinking, anxiety and major nausea-inducing insecurity. When going through the...

Rabbi Dov Heller: A Disastrous Dating Mistake

Being aware of your feelings and having the courage to be emotionally honest with another is essential to dating, and something many people aren't very good at. The...

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