
Four years from this songs release, my Father Reb Shalom Gurewicz A”H passed away from covid. He was my rock. my foundation. A pillar of my life. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. For those that unfortunately know, losing a loved one is one of the deepest pains. But what’s worse is leaving stones unturned and words unsaid. How often do we overlook the most important people in our lives? How often are we too preoccupied with mundane affairs to give it to them? Life is full undoubtedly busy with things to do and places to go, but let us not forget the people we cherish the most. I invite you to make an extra effort today to put your device down for a few minutes and share your wonderful self with the ones that love you so dearly, with the time that’s been given to you. This is the message of “Had It All.”

Video Produced and Directed by Dov Gurewicz

Song written by Dov Gurewicz

Lyrics by Dov Gurewicz & Diana Pombo

Music Produced by Camilo Velandia

Mixed & Mastered by Matt Dougherty

Pictured in the video:

Vocals & Acoustic Guitar – Dov Gurewicz

Mutty Shur – Guitar

Glib Walton – Drums

Yossi Lichy – Bass


Eli Zen – Protagonist/Father

Cynthia Galimidi – Mother

Frank E. S. Schochet

Apple Music:

