Dating Resources Network: A Look at a Revolutionary New Organization

Many dating organizations focus on setting up dates, an incredible zechus, but forget the challenges of the actual date itself. That’s where the Dating Resources Network (DRN) comes in.

DRN started as a simple hotline in Lakewood, helping bochurim plan date venues. Now, they’re nationwide with gemachim in over a dozen locations. These gemachs offer items like games, umbrellas, GPS devices, and even watches – all to support successful dates. Their flagship Lakewood location alone sees over 15,000 visits a year!

DRN’s Venue Hotline goes beyond locations. They offer practical advice and guidance to hundreds of young men each month, making sure their dates go smoothly.

But their biggest impact might be their financial aid program.

“Working with so many bochurim in shidduchim, we realized a big problem: cost,” says founder Elimelech Weinreb. “A Brooklyn first date can easily cost over $160 with rentals, gas, tolls, and parking. Many people hesitated to say yes to a shidduch, or even to another date due to the costs. We knew we had to act.”

Almost a year ago, DRN launched their financial aid program with a crowdfunding campaign. The response was huge. Applications flooded in, with many sharing stories of financial hardship.

“The need was way bigger than we thought,” says Elimelech. “Some families can’t afford to even say yes to a shidduch. Groceries are tough, let alone dating. We’ve had mothers call in tears, thanking us for the program – it was a lifeline for so many families.”

The program now distributes over $15,000 monthly, and that number keeps growing. Of course, all applicants are thoroughly reviewed by rabbanim before approval. 

DRN’s making a difference, and their budget is growing. With more couples relying on them, your help is crucial.

Their “Adopt-a-Date” program lets you directly support a shidduch. Donate $165 to cover an entire date, or $72 to sponsor the car and drinks. Endorsed by the BMG Roshei Yeshiva, this program is making waves in Klal Yisroel.

Donate to “Adopt-a-Date” today and help create a new bayis ne’eman b’yisroel.