Home Blog MUST READ: Virtual Dating Ideas By Aleeza Ben Shalom

MUST READ: Virtual Dating Ideas By Aleeza Ben Shalom

What to do to keep online dating from getting stale.

You might be stuck at home because of COVID-19 but your dating doesn’t have to be stuck in neutral. I crowd-sourced for great ideas to help you continue distance dating in meaningful, relationship-strengthening, and fun ways. Here’s a few ways to move your relationship forward.

1. Getting-to-Know-You Games & Activities

You may be miles apart but these games can bring you and a date closer than ever.

Never Have I Ever

Although this game is meant for a group, play it one-on-one to learn anything you want to know about your date in an indirect and fun way. Consider planning your lists of questions before you play, or find questions here.


Love Languages

Take the quiz to learn more about each other as well as yourself. Discuss the results.

36 Questions

These increasingly personal questions are designed to create a sense of trust and closeness. They have caused couples who didn’t know each other to fall in love. Are you ready to try them?

2. Videochatting Games

It is likely you can find any of your favorite games online or as an app. Here are a few current, and classic, favorites.


This online learning platform has a “family fun” trackwith more games than you’ll ever be able to play. But you can try — together with your date. You will each have to download the app and one person will be the host and need to share their screen.

Good Old Hangman

Grab a giant whiteboard or paper. Or play online. Hangmanwords makes it easy to play with others.

Yahtzee, Uno, or Scrabble Go (or Words with Friends)

Use the apps or set up the actual game in each of your homes and play away.

Heads Up! on the Houseparty app

Invite your friends to a chat in Houseparty, then select the small dice icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select Heads Up! to launch a new game. There are a handful of free decks to choose from and dozens more themed decks you can purchase for about $1.

Scavenger Hunt

The Goosechase website prompts you to make fun use of household items or create and share videos of you fulfilling different challenges.

Get It

You each take turns naming household objects, and then you each have to run to get it. The first person back to the computer wins. You can name specific items like a flat-head screwdriver to more general things like toothpaste or something from the fridge. Get exercise and get to know each other a little better. . . but not too much better. Choose objects with discretion.

True Confessions

Have fun telling facts or stories about your life. Your date has to determine if what you are saying is true or a lie. Before a date, each person writes facts that are true or false. Email each other one fact at a time. The opposite player asks questions to decide whether you are telling the truth or not.

3. Adventure

Being stuck at home has opened new opportunities to see the world at very affordable prices.

Secrets of the Old City Tour lets you visit the holy sites of Jerusalem from your separate couches. Save the airfare, the jetlag, yet get a taste of being in Jerusalem! This is a video tour individuals rent for 7 days. We received special permission to allow one of you to pay the $14.99 and watch the video together during your date.

Visit The Biblical Museum of Natural History in Israel. This unique museum focuses on animals in the Torah and is offering 50-minute, virtual interactive tours for only $5/person during the Coronavirus situation.

Chef It Up

Cook a meal together and then eat it together.

We may be working from home, schooling from home, shopping from home, and even dating from home. During this time let’s get creative and find ways to connect from a distance. May you use this time of being isolated at home to bring you and your date closer together.

Written by expert dating and marriage coach, Aleeza Ben Shalom.