7 Fun Sheva Brachot Games

Going to Sheva Brachot after a wedding can be tiring and sometimes even boring. Here are 7 great games you can play with couple to spice up the evening with a few laughs and some wonderful memories for you and the happy couple

The Laffy Taffy Game/ Shoe game

This game involves the newly- weds sitting back-to-back with 2 shoes in their hand, one of their own, and one of their partners. They then get asked a series of questions: who will be taking out the garbage? Who will be stealing the duvet? Who will be doing the cooking? They silently answer holding up the appropriate shoe. If they are right – we move on to the next question. If they are wrong – we give them a marshmallow, which they aren’t allowed to swallow until the end of the game. Another way of playing this game is with 2 colored Laffy Taffys. The bride and groom both 2 colors. Pink for the Kallah and Blue for the Chatan. The game rules are the same just no shoes involved!

The Miming Game

This game is a laugh a minuet. The bride and groom are give written messages that messages that the couple need to convey to their new spouse by miming only. For example: “I’ve invited two bachurim for lunch” or “your tie is crooked”. The couple need to act out the short phrases for the other to guess. This game may be better with a group of friends rather than a family gathering. It really is a great game to have fun with.

The Bracha Game

At home prior to the Sheva Brachot put a bag of miscellaneous things from around the house into a bag. Each guest has to pick one item, and give the new couple a bracha using the item to bless the young couple. For example, a Lego piece – you can say build a Bayit Ne’eman together just like Lego builds things. Another way of doing this game is with road signs. You hand out the road signs to the guests and each one comes up with a bracha for the newly-weds. You will be amazed at your guests creativity and the kind of brachot the couple receive.

The Kitchen Challenge

Everyone is intrigued to see who is better in the kitchen. This game is fun and also an indicator as to who will be doing most of the cooking and baking. For this game you need to set up a table with a cutting board a cup and some play dough. You get the couple to crack an egg ad see that no shells are in the cup, ask them to peel a potatoe and see who finishes first and also give them the play dough to see who can braid challot the qickest. You can add other items and see how well the couple do. It is a great laugh for the couple and very entertaining for the guests to see the outcome. 

Bride and Groom Photo Challenge

Guests will love this fun Sheva Brachot game that features favorite photos of the bride and groom! Print images of the bride and groom at various ages, along with a guessing sheet for each guest. Attach the game tile, and each photo along with a number on a bulletin board or poster board. Hand out a guessing sheet and pen/pencil to each guest. Have them guess the age of the bride or groom in the photo! Whomever guesses the most correct, wins!

What’s in the Bag Memory Game

Fill a bag with items that the bride and groom might pack for a day out together using 15 to 20 items. Have the hostess take out each item one at a time from the bag to show the guests. Once all items have been shown, quickly hand out a card and pen to each of the guests and give them one minute to write down as many items as they remember. The guest with the most correct answers wins. Present the filled bag as a gift to the bride and groom.

Pictionary: Sheva Brachot Edition

Divide the guests into teams of two, the groom’s side and the bride’s side and settle in for a rousing round of Pictionary. Remember that classic? Each team writes down words on slips of paper and the other team must draw whatever the word is and get their teammates to guess it. In the Sheva Brachot edition, of course, all the words must be related to the couple. The team with the most of words win.