Free Shidduchim Portraits!!

free shidduch portraits[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

The parshah of shidduchim has become increasingly challenging for women in our times. While men who are dating are inundated with lists and resumes, some women wait at the phone for months before they hear about a potential date.


A Baltimore photographer is doing her part to help these women find their bashert. Chaya Braun, a newborn baby photographer in Baltimore, is offering free shidduch portraits for divorced, widowed, and single women age 25 and up.


“For these women, finding a shidduch can be as difficult as splitting the sea,” Chaya says. Each woman is given a ten minute session and one high resolution professional retouched image at no charge.


“A photo has many elements – the choice of camera equipment, the direction and quality of the light and shadows, the angle of the camera versus the subject, complementary background tones, and more,” Chaya explains. “By giving these women a beautiful photo, they feel more confident about sending out their photo to shadchanim and friends who request a recent photograph.”

To schedule your appointment, contact Chaya. Note that all sessions take place in the Baltimore, MD studio.

May all of the women and men of Klal Yisrael find proper shidduchim speedily and happily.

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