It’s Hard To Keep Secrets From Ali


“Mommy is always crying,” six year old Suha thought to herself as she came into the house and put her school bag away.

Her older brother Machmud pushed her out of his way, threw his back pack on the floor and entered the kitchen. “I’m hungry!” he declared.

Mommy was crying, but he didn’t even glance at her. She served him his lunch and he gobbled it up, demanding more before Suha even finished half of hers.

“How was school?” Mommy asked, her red and swollen eyes caressing her beloved children.

Machmud didn’t bother to answer. Suha ducked her head as she remembered the incident on the playground; she would wait until her brother wasn’t in the vicinity before she told her mother about it.

Frightened wails from the children’s bedroom told them that….. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING ON YAD L’ACHIM’S WEBSITE