Navigating the Shidduch Terrain

About a year ago my mother in law, Esther Mann and I had lunch together. Both psychotherapists (oy!, my poor husband) servicing the frum New York community, we share many interests and passions. Always โ€œtalking shop,โ€ whether about our latest responses to the Mindbiz column in the Five Towns Jewish Times or mulling over theories and new therapeutic interventions, our wheels always seem to be turning!

Over her omelet and my salad she said โ€œJen, what do you think of singles having the opportunity to pop into a casual therapy session after a date? Kind of like a debriefing.โ€


A year of research, planning and preparation later; excited and delighted, we introduce The Navidaters to the world of Orthodox dating and relationships (modern, yeshivish, everything in between and to the left and right). The Navidaters are dating and relationship coaches andย strategists providing empowerment strategies and emotional support to singles of all ages and stages. As your personal GPS, The Navidaters will find your emotional location, examine any roadblocks or dead ends, and steer you toward your dating and relationship destination.


Why the need for The Navidaters? Well, you may have heard of something called The Shidduch Crisis (insert chuckle here). If you are single, have a child who is single, a friend who is single or have ever been single yourself, you are intimately familiar with this phrase. This crisis has created an environment where singles are sick of dating and dying to get married. They are juggling the advice of well-meaning friends, family, Rabbeim and shadchanim with their own personal turmoil. In a world where a woman feels as though she is an old maid at 24, there is before us another crisis; a secondary emotional crisis that at times our community forgets.

Behind this phrase are flesh and blood people with passions, goals and dreams who may be feeling lonely, sad, unworthy, isolated, anxious or forgotten. Some are wondering what they are doing wrong and some arenโ€™t able to fully engage in their lives feeling good about who they are in the present moment. Our frum singles need a non-judgmental ear and a clinical eye to help navigate this emotionally charged time of life. That is where The Navidaters enter the scene. Our main goal is to help daters cope with and manage the natural flurry of emotions that come along with dating and relationships in the frum community.

The Navidaters believe that no two daters are alike and therefore everything about our service is custom-made for the unique needs of the client. After a clientโ€™s initial Getting to Know You consultation, a Navidater will give her Navidaterโ€™s View and blend the perfect package from our varied list of copyrighted packages: Date Debriefing, Dating Tool Box, Date and Relationship Intervention, Role Play, Drop Your Bags and All Together Now.

Some people need assistance in recognizing red flags while othersย would benefit from learning conversational skills.

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Some daters need first date support, while others are unknowingly sabotaging themselves time and time again. Someย are doing this the second time around and are facing an entirely unique set of circumstances. Those in relationships, whether brand new or more mature may have a pressing issue and not want to check in to therapy or simply donโ€™t know where to turn. Whatever the need weโ€™ve got you covered! Your comfort, privacy and confidentiality are our top priorities. Check out our website to learn more. While youโ€™re there check out our blog, Dating Discourse! Pick up some great dating tips and advice! Be sure to read Diary of a 31 Year Old Single Woman and all of our fabulous blogs. Have a burning dating or relationship question? Email us at and with your permission we will anonymously post it in our Q and A blog, Ask the Navidaters.

The Navidaters are steering daters in the right direction. Letโ€™s Navidate it Together!!

Jennifer Mann, Navidater (with Navidater Esther Mannโ€™s seal of approval).


The Navidaters are dating and relationship coaches and strategists providing empowerment strategies and emotional support to singles of all ages and stages. ย As your personal GPS, the Navidaters will find your emotional location and help guide you toward your dating and relationship destination. ย The Navidaters are located in Lawrence, NY and areย available via Skype. ย Visit us at ย Call us at 516-224-7779 or email us at to get started today.