A simple song, a prayer for a clean heart, simple & pure. Reb Shlomo taught us to yearn sing & pray all as one. If we only knew, a pure heart is the answer to all our troubles. If we only believed that it is attainable, maybe the geula would be here. May we merit this year to a clean heart, a clean perspective, a new slate, a final sweet & complete redemption.
Kesiva, Vechasima Tova
Levi Y Cohen
Produced by Ruli Ezrachi
Composed by R’ Shlomo Carlebach ztz”l
Guitars by Avi Singolda
Recorded at Tenor Studios
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Ruli Ezrachi
Choirs by Ruli Ezrachi, Danny Begelheisen & Levi Y Cohen
Cover Art by Danny Begelheisen
PR by Yossi Zweig
Special Thanks to Moshe Yitzchok Leizer, Moshe Weinberg & The Lechtig Family.
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