Renowned composer and female artist Joni Miller is no stranger to Jewish music in the Frum world. So when tragedy hit us on the terrible day, on October 7, 2023, Joni cried with the rest of us. The way a creative person deals with ups and downs in life, whether it be celebrations or G-d forbid tragedies, is through talent and art. Therefore, after Succos, Joni found herself singing “Ani ma’amin” our quintessential prayer for Moshiach, a tefillah begging Hashem for this bitter golus to end. She immediately sent the song to her producer, Danny Flam, who knew that the world NEEDED to hear this song, a song that would help us connect to that fateful day, a song that would help us go forward even with the world against us. Danny immediately started working on the production but then had a quandary. Who would sing the song? In Danny’s eyes there was but one singer who could deliver the raw pain and emotion Joni felt when she wrote this. His name; Avi Perets. In an attempt to reach even more people, Joni and Danny knew the song needed a music video shot in Israel at Yam Kineret – where traditionally the Moshiach will come to first. During the filming , bombs and missiles could be heard exploding to the north. They reached out to Meitar Libi of Kozbo Productions, and well, the result is astounding. It’s an emotional ride. Hopefully one that will leave you ready to shout out “Ani Maamin.”
May we greet Moshiach speedily in our days.
Composed by: Joni Miller
Produced by: Danny Flam
Featured Vocalist: Avi Perets
Recording Engineer: Danny Flam
Mixing: Ken Lewis
Videography: Meitar Libi Flam
Video Production: Kozbo Productions
Piano: Michelle Deangelis
Drums: Avi Avidani
Keys: Joni Miller
Guitars: Noam (Chargol) Burg, Amit Peled
Bass: Mitch Friedman
Horns: Danny Flam