Ariel Borzutzky With His Second Single “Ad Matai”


After a very successful release of his first single, “Shoshana Bein Hachochim”, the artist Ariel Borzutzky, releases his second single titled “Ad Matai.”

For those music aficionados who have grown to love the stylistic melodies and lyrics of Ishay Ribo, Akiva, Assaf Haroush, and the like, will be sure to appreciate this newer artist.

His moving story began when he was a non-religious music student far removed from Torah and Mitzvot. His project, “MusicoTorah“, had been brewing in his mind for years, stemming from a desire to blend Torah teachings with innovative and high-quality music.

His first song “Shoshana Bein Hachochim” was written for his mother as a tefilla for her refuah. At the time Ariel’s hope was that she would recover. Sadly, she passed away.

Ad Matai” is the first song that Ariel wrote. David Hamelech davened to be clean of sin, that HaShem should cleanse his neshama.

Specifically during this time in history, we are feeling the sentiments of “Ad Matai”. We beseech HaShem and say “Hosheyainu”- save us.

Composed by: Ariel Borzutzky
Lyrics: Tehillim Perek Vav
Musical Arrangements: Brad Rubinstein and Ariel Borzutzky
Guitars: Noam Borg
Bass: Alon Hallel
Drums: Tim Buell
Mix and Mastered by: Udi Damari