EXCLUSIVE: New Details On Viral Simchaspot Post

There has been much controversy on social media over the recent simchaspot post, of a Ger and a Giyores. Simchaspot has received numerous emails questioning the status of the Geirus of the Chosson, Yechiel Yisruel Bloyd.

Simchaspot has spoken with Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum and Rabbi peretz Steinberg, who were involved in the Geirus. Both have confirmed the authenticity of the conversion. Any of the questionable material people have brought to the table to discredit him, has taken place before he converted.

It should be noted, that since he converted, Yechiel Yisruel started his own Chassidus called Toldos Yisruel, over which he presides as Rebbe.

Yechiel Yisruel hopes the chassidis of Toldos Yisruel “becomes a beacon of God’s Light within the world, drawing people of all creeds, ethnicities, beliefs, and approaches to serving God. He wishes to bring the Divine knowledge to all peoples in order to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth through the power of Simche (Joy) and Chesed (Loving-Kindness).”

Yechiel Yisruel has a Youtube channel where he discusses matters of Chassidus etc.

Yechiel Yisruel has a website about his Chassidus, with a personal biography. Readers are encouraged to read his interesting story.

We remind our readers of the Mitzvah of “V’Ahavta Es HaGer”.

Simchaspot has obtained the following statement from R’ Yechiel Yisruel:

“Hello everybody. There have been a lot of things going around about me on the internet over the past week or so, remarkably enough, and apparently I’m known all across the entire Jewish internet world. So, I’m going to address a few topics that have been brought up recently.

My wife is not 52 years old, she is 50. Also, her name is Rivka Faigeh, not “52 Year Old Woman,” as an Instagram page quite rudely put it. We’re both happy the cat’s out of the bag and people said she’s older, whoever opened her purse at our wedding and looked at her ID apparently can’t do math. We were not a shidduch arranged by the community, for those who are insisting that. We got together about a year ago, and known each other for over two years from an esoteric group we were a part of. We converted together, and have a very happy relationship. It may seem unusual, but if you knew the two of us, you’d see we are a couple just like everyone else.

My conversion is 100% kosher. There is someone claiming that I’ve lied about converting in the past and all sorts of horrid things. I’ve never claimed to have converted, I’ve always been straight up about the fact that I started the process and did not finish, and had left, intending to live as a goy. I’ve never made claims of “sneaking” into mikvas, as one page suggests. I’ve used them, plain and simple, when I was working on conversion before Yom Kippur, once before Shabbes, and once at night for purifying myself from negativity I’d been feeling over the day.

I made a conversion with three Orthodox rabbis, Rabbi Joseph Kolakowski was on the beis din and was mesader kiddushin, along with Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum and Rabbi Peretz Steinberg. I’ve rejected all forbidden practices and have accepted the emunas Yisroel (faith of the Jewish people), along with the 613 mitzvos. I had a 100% kosher bris by a chassidish moyl, and toiveled with three Orthodox rabbis supervising for the sake of conversion. My wife was converted by these same rabbis. I do not worship idols, nor do I engage in any other sort of practice forbidden by the Torah and Chazal. I do not engage in any form of plural religious practice, and nor does my wife. If you wish to continue speaking on these matters and proclaim that I’m a fake or poser, just know you’re violating the prohibitions against rechilus (gossip), loshon horo, and all the mitzvos pertaining to how geirim are to be treated.

Yes, my blog and pictures are still up. This is because I believe it is useless to try to cover up the past, no matter what it is. I’m certain there would be screenshots taken by people who dislike me to use again at a later time. In case nobody has noticed, my last post on the blog states that I’m done and have moved on to Jewish things. Perhaps I should have redacted my statement that I”m a kosher Jew, but according to my understanding at the time, which admittedly was lacking, I was certain I was Jewish maternally. However after discussing this with a rabbi and being told I was not Jewish, I set forth on conversion with my wife. I haven’t written there in months, because I haven’t thought about it even. I spend my time learning and davening, and doing fun things with my wife and building a beautiful life with her rather than worrying about what people will find online.

May it be the will of HaKodosh Boruch Hu that everyone should be filled with simcha, that the ignorant should be enlightened and filled with knowledge, and that the Malchus Sh’b’Kedusha (Divine Sovereignty), as Rebbe Nachman says, should reign within all of us, and be established on earth with the coming of Moshiach swiftly and within our days.”