I Can’t Stand the Girl My Friend is Dating/Q&A With The Navidaters

    confused guy

    Dear Navidaters,

    Awesome blog by the way!  I look forward to them every night.  Keep them coming.  Here’s the deal.  My best friend is dating this girl.  I’ve met her twice now.  I thought she might grow on me but nope.  She is one of those people who is super nice to her friends and treats everyone else nasty.  She is so nice to my friend, but is nasty to me and everyone around us.  For example, I told her it was nice to meet her and she says to me “Thanks.”  Um, hello?  How about “Nice to meet you too?”  I know the family for a long time, and the whole family is rude.  Something is off with them.  This girl has been engaged before and her ex told me nightmare stories about her.  She treated him with no respect and demanded everything of him and gave nothing back.  She was using him for his money basically.  A while before the wedding he broke off the engagement.  I don’t know what my friend knows.


    Also, she has a bunch of sisters and they’re all notorious for being stuck up snobs.  My friend is the nicest guy in the world.  If they get married, this would be one of those cliched “Nice guy/awful girl” couples.  I don’t want to see my friend be taken advantage of for the rest of his life.  I can see how she is beginning to brainwash him and boss him around.  Do I talk to him or just let it go?  I’m confused with what to do.



    Hi readers!  Let’s see what is at stake for Avi.  If Avi says nothing he may feel guilty if the relationship goes south or if his friend ultimately suffers.  He may regret never having told his friend.  On the other hand, if Avi says something to his friend, he may lose the friendship completely.  Write to us with your opinions and help Avi out.

    lets help

    Along with your opinions, we will post our Navidaters’ response.  Looking forward to hearing from you all!


    The Navidaters



    Visit us at www.thenavidaters.com to learn about how we are helping singles navigate the shidduch terrain.

